Corporate Financial Planning
Define multiple customizable variables and assess their financial impact in seconds!
The ANALITICA Corporate Financial Planning template in Excel allows you to gather all the data in a single spreadsheet, whether they are final data extracted from the company's transactional systems or prospective data contained in the company budget.
- Customizable aggregations to make everything easy to reconcile with the profit and loss account
- Easy-to-consult dashboard showing the prospective situation of financial flows, according to the needs of the company
- Guaranteed data uniqueness
- Total security thanks to user profiling with customizable read and write permissions
- Flexibility thanks to the dynamism of the model and the possibility of customization.
Eliminates unforeseen events
All relevant data are available in one spreadsheet to minimize the impact of unforeseen events.
Improve negotiations with banks
Thanks to the complete overview of the company's financial situation and assets, it is possible to negotiate credit facilities with banks in the best possible way.
The Financial Planning template in Excel allows you to effectively set up your company's development strategies.
Precise formulation of expenditure, savings and investment targets increase the chances of obtaining funding.
Rationalizing costs
Having a complete and detailed view of the company's financial situation allows you to rationalize costs.